CO2 emissionsAll companies have some kind of impact on the environment, but regardless of the energy-saving steps that have come beforehand, there’s always something they can do to make their operation more environmentally-friendly.

If you own a business and want to find out more about reducing your carbon footprint, the sensible approach is to audit your operation to gain a clear picture of your contribution to climate change. Through this assessment you should find out ways of cutting down on waste, as well as methods of offsetting any unavoidable emissions.

Still, although taking a ‘what we can measure, we can improve?’ approach is advised, there are certain ways you can become more eco-friendly before conducting a full audit of your carbon footprint. It makes commercial sense to demonstrate to your clients that your company cares about the environment and you can put yourself on the right path by following the points below…

Recycle more

Placing recycling bins in accessible, high-traffic areas will cut down the amount of waste you send to landfill straight away. Don’t just stop at encouraging workers to recycle their plastic bottles and metal cans, though; determine where your local area provides a recycling centre that can handle computers, mobile phones, batteries and any other electronics you go through on a regular basis.

Look into your transport

Owning or hiring more fuel-efficient vehicles to manage your transport will not only help you reduce your carbon footprint – it could also deliver cost savings. Consider reducing the number, type and size of your vehicles you own to reap the benefits.

Use less paper

A great way to reduce paper around your office is to encourage the use of electronic signatures, which could also get your contracts signed more quickly. Get your clients on board with the new system by having them e-sign anything that comes their way. You may also want to try signing up to an instant payment service, giving you the chance to send invoices without the added paperwork.

Go green with your power

Switching to green power where you can will do far more than simply instructing your employees to turn off the lights on their way out. In most office-based businesses, carbon emissions from electricity represent the greatest carbon footprint component. Solar power is a popular method of obtaining clean energy, but any source from the sun, wind, water and waste will help you lower your footprint.

Work with green companies

Businesses often find that working with like-minded people can help them realise their goals for reducing carbon. Part of being a green business is making sure you do your best to ensure that every part of your operation buys into the same philosophy. If your supply chain is also green, this will give you a better chance of becoming carbon neutral. Alternatively, if you don’t want to lose a valuable connection, try encouraging your vendors to adopt similar environmental policies and practices.